Door to Door Salesman and Scams in Oklahoma
Hey Friends,
Door to door sales can be a hassle. It’s a rarity that you happen to be shopping for a vacuum the day the salesman pulls up with the new suckjet 9000. Yet here they are telling you what you might need today. This guy is the exception. We like him. On top of that you have to be aware of people trying to nab your information or tell you tall tales about your current service providers.
Things to Look Out For
As a valued reader or customer, we wanted to warn you that homeowners in the Oklahoma area have reported suspicious door-to-door security system sales or service activity.
To help you protect your home and finances, we encourage you to be on the lookout for anyone posing as an alarm technician, sales consultant or clowns for that matter (I still find them creepy) who:
• Tells you that we are no longer in business, no longer serve your area, or that we were bought or sold. These are false statements.
• Asks you to sign a new contract to ensure your security continues.
• Asks for access to your system or says it has been recalled, requires replacement or that they are from the manufacturer.
• Uses high-pressure tactics to force you to make a decision.
Protect yourself and your neighbors with these tips
There are things you can do to safeguard your home and account:
• Never open the door to someone who doesn’t have an appointment.
• Call us to confirm we have sent a representative or to check the details.
• Build a moat (budget allowing)
• Check details before signing a contract. You might end up being billed again byanother company.
• Consider our smart home video service and keep an eye on your home – using your smartphone and our video options.
• Research company reviews and scam alerts. Be informed by doing a google search on anyone you may be doing business with.
• Report suspicious activity or call us if you have concerns.
If you ever have any questions about upgrades or your system, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at 405-605-0101.
We’re here 24/7 and are happy to help!